5 Outdoor DIY Projects to Transform Your Space

5 Outdoor DIY Projects to Transform Your Space

If you’ve been following me for a while, you know how much I love a good DIY project. After all, there’s nothing better than the satisfaction of looking at a finished home project knowing you did it yourself! I’ve taught myself how to do so many things inside my house. From remodeling my kitchen to creating an awesome playroom, to even bringing in a little magic to my dining room for Thanksgiving– I’ve done it all. But have you ever thought about how many fun things you can build outside? I’ve gathered my favorite 5 outdoor DIY projects to transform your space and I’m sharing them here today. 

5 outdoor projects to transform your space angelarosehome.com

Why You Shouldn’t Forget Your Outdoor Space

When it comes to outdoor DIY projects, it can feel overwhelming at first. There are so many things to think about. If you live in an area that gets a lot of heat or a lot of cold weather, you need to be careful to choose the right materials that will hold up to the weather. Also, you want to be sure that your projects won’t get you into trouble with your HOA or your neighbors. (Nobody wants a cranky neighbor!) Once you have those issues figured out, you can create just about anything and really transform your space into something you and your family will love. 

DIY Planter Walls

I live in the Southwest where the fences are covered in stucco. This is nice because it’s pretty maintenance-free, but it’s not the most attractive thing to look at every day. I’ve solved this issue in a few areas of my backyard and patio by building and installing these fun planter walls. 

I’ve got a full rundown on how I created these here, and here. Essentially, I created planter boxes and attached them to the stucco-covered concrete walls. This helps to soften the concrete and it also gives me a place to brighten my view with (fake) succulents! Yep, that’s the big secret for this project. The plants I used in both planter walls are faux succulents. They look great and I don’t have to worry about watering them. To help the succulents look more real, I filled the planter boxes with real dirt. Shhh, don’t tell anyone!

Skinny Slat Wall Over Stucco

Another way I’ve covered up the stucco walls that surround my house is with this skinny slat wall. This project was a bit of a beast at first. Along the way, I figured out a few tips to make my life easier. First, measure out how long you want your wall, and also where you want your vertical supports. Once you have those laid out, here’s my next tip. To make sure your vertical slats are level, loosely attach your vertical post only at the top. This will allow you to use a level to adjust the post as needed without you having to drill multiple holes in your wall. To see the full breakdown of how I did this, check out my post here. I love how this wall turned out!

5 outdoor diy projects

DIY Concrete Fire Bowl

I love the look of concrete fire bowls. They are so pretty, don’t you think? While I have a large one powered by propane, I wanted to create some smaller concrete fire bowls that I could move around my patio easily. I was surprised at how easy this project turned out to be! It’s definitely a project you can complete in a weekend, and even get the kids involved, too. Check out my Instagram Stories all about this project here.

Large Outdoor Patio Planter 

Have you ever looked at outdoor patio planters? They can be so expensive! A while ago I participated in a build-off with my friend, Philip. We were challenged to build a planter using just two boards of wood. I love how it turned out! This large outdoor patio planter box is perfect for next to your entryway. To make life even easier, I simply placed a cheap plastic planter inside the wooden planter. Now I don’t have to worry about dealing with proper drainage in my planter box. See how easy it was to create this planter on this post

DIY Patio Reveal

Finally, I love seeing how little projects can work together and totally transform a space or area into something completely different. That’s the case with my patio reveal. You’ll see a few of the outdoor DIY projects from this post in my patio reveal and also see a few more things I didn’t share here. We truly love this patio now and I’m so glad I took the time to transform it with these outdoor DIY projects.

5 outdoor diy projects

5 Outdoor DIY Projects to Transform Your Space

I hope you can see how easy it is to transform your outdoor spaces with these 5 outdoor DIY projects. I’ve got more ideas and projects up my sleeve for this year and I can’t wait to get started creating! To keep up with me, be sure to follow me on Instagram @angelarosehome. Now, stop pinning and start doing!

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