Top 3 Favorite DIY Shelves

build an art ledge

I am always looking for creative ways to decorate my house. If you have been hanging out with me for a while you know that I tend to tackle huge DIY projects that are functional and beautiful, but I also enjoy creating projects on a smaller scale as well. Shelves are a perfect smaller project that is pretty on their own, but also give you spots throughout your house to purposefully add in additional decor. Shelves are a great DIY project for anyone, even if you haven’t DIYed before! Check out my all-time top 3 favorite DIY shelves for inspiration to update your home. 

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How to Decorate with Floral Printables

Try changing your space with floral printables.

There are times when a room needs a pick me up, but you don’t have a ton of money to spend. Printables are a great way to keep things changing without breaking the bank. There are so many different types of printables to choose from, but honestly, the florals are speaking to me right now. Knowing how to decorate with floral printables is going to change your space in a seemingly small but super impactful way.

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DIY Floating Corner Shelves Tutorial

DIY Floating Corner Shelves Tutorial

Recently I made some DIY floating corner shelves for my son’s room. They turned out looking so cute that now I’m searching the other areas of my house for an excuse to build more! If you’re looking for a fun way to upgrade a small space, this might be just the thing you’re looking for. To help you get started, I’ve put together a quick tutorial on how I made these floating corner shelves so you can build them too.

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