How to Make Your Own Quote Wall

garage wall

New garage…new inspirational quote! I loved having a HUGE quote on the wall of the original Angela Rose Home. Not only did it bring some sunshine into a place I hang out all the time, it served as a reminder for my entire family that it’s not until we actually take that leap (and potentially fall) that we realize we can fly. If you’ve been with me for a while, you know that every project is so much more than just DIY. So while I am adding some inspiration to my new garage, I wanted to share how to make your own quote wall so that you can add your own inspiration to a special place in your home. 

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How to Get Sleek Cement Looking Walls

love the projects in your home

Have you ever found a photo of something that looks so incredibly cool that you NEED to have the same look in your home? No, just me? Well, I love finding a good inspiration picture. In fact, I have a lot of inspiration pictures for my entry dining room that I am currently in the middle of renovating. Those pictures are why I transformed my sliding glass door. And, they are why I had to figure out how to get sleek cement looking walls. Have you seen the walls I am talking about? I’m sharing my process of how to get sleek cement looking walls, so you can have them too!

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5 Easy Ways to Update Your Home That Anyone Can Do

easily update your home with a feature wall

You can be honest with me…are there times that DIY feels intimidating? I get it. Big projects can feel overwhelming especially when we are trying to figure out how to do them. It happens to me too. That is why I have my personal mantra: STOP PINNING. START DOING. It doesn’t mean we have to speed through things, we just have to start. So in the spirit of starting, I want to share 5 easy ways to update your home that anyone can do.

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Teenage Room Refresh: An Easy DIY Anyone Can Do

Create a space for your teen by refreshing their room.

I think every teenager deserves a space of their own. They need to be able to have a  nice space where they can hang out and just be, away from school, activities, and everything they have going on. One of the first places if DIY’ed in our home was my oldest son’s room. I’ve been feeling like we needed to do an update on my teenage room refresh to show you an easy DIY that anyone can do.   

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