DIY Shiplap Ceiling With Faux Beams

diy shiplap ceiling

DIY Shiplap Ceiling With Faux Beams

If there’s one area of the room that’s often overlooked during a remodel, it’s the ceiling. Usually, you can just add a fun light fixture and be done. Though sometimes the room needs a little more to pull it all together. For my son’s room I remodeled, I decided to build a DIY shiplap ceiling with faux beams. I knew that added touch would really give the oasis feel I was going for. Let me share some behind-the-scenes of this project so you can repeat it in your space!

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How to Use Wallpaper in Your Home

See how easy it is to use wallpaper in your home.

Wallpaper has been making a comeback in the past few years. But don’t worry, it’s not the wallpaper we all remember from the 70’s and 80’s! Now, instead of cutesy borders, people are using murals and abstract patterns in their homes. Here’s everything you need to know about how to use wallpaper in your home. Plus, I’ve got a few tips for installing wallpaper in your home!

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DIY Floating Corner Shelves Tutorial

DIY Floating Corner Shelves Tutorial

Recently I made some DIY floating corner shelves for my son’s room. They turned out looking so cute that now I’m searching the other areas of my house for an excuse to build more! If you’re looking for a fun way to upgrade a small space, this might be just the thing you’re looking for. To help you get started, I’ve put together a quick tutorial on how I made these floating corner shelves so you can build them too.

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Modern Boy’s Bedroom That Fits Your Aesthetic

modern boy's bdroom

Modern Boy’s Bedroom That Fits Your Aesthetic

I recently did something I’d never done before. I took myself on a solo trip. It was AMAZING. On that trip, I had a lot of time to dream up my next projects. First on my list was updating my second son’s room. I wanted it to feel like his, while still looking nice with the rest of the house. You know? Let me share with you this modern boy’s bedroom for my son, and my first steps to bringing the vision to life!

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