It’s been a long time coming, but it’s finally reveal time for this fireplace! This was such a fun One Room Challenge so let’s show you some good before and afters shall we? (my last One Room Challenge was the Green Room ) I hope you’ve been having fun following along on @angelarosehome . Now let’s admire this fireplace!!!!

Are you ready for the BEFORE???

And because I can’t get enough…another after!

Here’s what was done: Demo demo demo…All the nooks and walls needed to be ripped out. After they were all ripped out, I rebuilt with framing and drywalled.

Then came all the finishing work. It took many failed attempts before I finally figured out how to do the $70 cement finish. Then I built the shiplap and built in bench.

Finally, all the finishes! The lights, baskets, and pillows helped the whole room come together. Here are the links to all those items. And NOW, I am going to get some sleep! Follow along @angelarosehome for more projects and DIY!