Printable DIY Dollhouse Plans

build your own dollhouse

Looking for a fun DIY gift idea? I’ve got you covered! The holiday season is here, but there is still time to whip out an amazing DIY project that you can gift your loved ones. I love giving DIY gifts because it feels like you are giving a piece of yourself. One of my favorite DIY gifts is what inspired me to create printable DIY dollhouse plans so that you can give a piece of yourself to your loved ones too. 

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Giant DIY Lite Brite That Anyone Can Make

Angela by her giant DIY lite brite

Giant DIY Lite Brite That Anyone Can Make

Okay, getting this project on the blog has been a long time coming.  I just had to share the details of this super fun giant DIY lite brite I surprised my kids with last Christmas. When you were younger, do you remember playing with lite brites? You know, the toy where you got to make fun pictures that lit up and looked magical? I loved playing with those as a kid. So I thought, why not try making one? But I wasn’t going to make just any old lite brite. I was going to make a giant DIY lite brite. Like all DIY projects, this one took some problem-solving, but it turned out amazing in the end. Let me break this project down so you can recreate it.

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